Did you know that for the past few years, we have had women conferences aimed at empowering and motivating women’s roles in the workforce. The Women’s Summit is a yearly initiative undertaken by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, under the stewardship of Dato’ Sri Shahrizat. The conferences get very good support from women from all over the nation, many coming from Penang, Johor, Kuantan and Pahang to partake in discussions and talks on issues close to women’s hearts.
We at Brand360° have attended regularly and the topics are those that are the cornerstone of every woman in the workforce – be it working for self or working for others. The work-life balance thing is the modern woman’s quest for Shangri-La. Wonders of technology has drastically changed how, where and when women work. Both men and women’s roles are changing, and we must proactively ensure it changes for the better!
This year’s Women’s Summit will be held on 8 December. It should be an interesting one, and many males put in an appearance too. See you there!