Brand Values Examples: A Road To Brand Identity

brand values

Ever wondered what sets a successful brand apart? The answer lies in its core values. Brand core values are guiding principles that shape a brand’s identity, effect decision-making, and resonate with its audience. However, here’s a question: What are some prominent brand value examples?

Apple, for instance, has innovation and design excellence as brand values and central parts of its company culture. Similarly, Coca-Cola’s commitment to diversity and quality isn’t merely a slogan; it is part of its values and the journey of its successful brand story, which is visible in every aspect.

Do you want to uncover more about what are brand values examples and what are their hidden secrets? Read this post until the end! Here, you can also unfold how brand360 is a fantastic option to shape your brand – designing brands, implementing latest marketing trends, increasing brand revenue, and much more.

200 Brand Core Values Examples: What Are They?

Below is a list of core brand values examples that companies follow to improve their customer experience and to create a strong brand image in the market – physical and social media.

brand value examples
Brand Core Values Examples List
Abundance Customer-Center Fairness Joy Quality
Acceptance Creativity Faith Justice quest
Accessibility Daring Fame Kindness Recognition
Accountability Determination Fascinating Knowledge Relationships
Accuracy Devotion Fearlessness Leadership Reliability
Activeness Dignity Firmness Learning Resilience
Adaptability Diligence Fitness Liveliness Resonance
Adventure Directness Flexibility Logic Resourcefulness
Affection Discipline Focus Longevity Respect
Altruism Capability Freedom love Responsibility
Ambition Discovery Freshness Loyalty Safety
Appreciation Discretion Friendship Mastery Satisfaction
Approachability Diversity Fun Mindfulness Security
Attention to detail Dreams Generosity Motivation Sharing
Balance Drive Genius Neatness Simplicity
Beauty Duty Genuineness Open-mindedness Sincerity
Belonging Dedication Goodwill Optimism Skill
Benevolence Dependability Gratitude Organization Speed
Bravery Ease of use Growth Originality Spontaneity
Care Education Guidance Partnership Stability
Change Effectiveness Happiness Passion Strength
Charity Elegance Hard work Patience Success
Clarity Empathy Harmony Peace Support
Cleanliness Empowering Health Perception Sustainability
Collaboration Energy Heart Performance Talent
Comfort Engagement Heroism Persistence Teamwork
Commitment Enjoyment History Personal development Thoughtfulness
Communication Entertainment Honesty Playfulness Tolerance
Compassion Enthusiasm Honor Poise Trust
Confidence Entrepreneurship Hope Polish Truth
Connection Environment Humility Popularity Understanding
Consistency Equality Humor Positivity Uniqueness
Control Evolution Imagination Potential Unity
Cooperation Excellence Impact Power Value
Courage Excitement Individuality Precision Variety
Craftiness Exhilaration Innovation Pride Virtue
Craftsmanship Exploration Insight Privacy Vision
Credibility Eagerness Inspiration Productivity Warmth
Curiosity Economy Integrity Professionalism Welcoming
Customer satisfaction Family Intuition Purity Zeal

Whether you talk about beauty brand values examples, fashion brand values examples, or food brand values examples, they all hold unique core values. Some value similarities (performance, diversity, dream) may exist, but the uniqueness of these values shapes the brand’s identity and targets the specific audience.

5 Top-Notch Companies And Their Brand Values Examples

Brand values are successful marketing strategies that guide a brand in acting, communicating, and making decisions. These values also shape the brand’s identity and personality, making it easy for the team to connect with their targeted customer and build loyalty. Let’s dig out the brand positioning beliefs and values examples of some well-known brands:

1. Coca-Cola’s 7 Brand Beliefs Which Set It Apart

Coca Colas Brand Values

Coca-Cola stands out as a promising brand; it doesn’t compromise on its core customer values. It connects with its team, customers, and the world by maintaining its guiding principles. Coca-Cola’s commitment to its principles motivates the team to deliver excellence in every endeavor, making a substantial social impact worldwide.

Below is Coca-Cola’s core customer value list:

    • Leadership: The brand fearlessly leads to creating a better future for everyone.
    • Collaboration: The company prefers teamwork that utilizes the collective brilliance of all.
    • Integrity: No matter what, the brand stays accurate and authentic in all actions.
    • Accountability: The team is always ready for accountability and to take responsibility with the mindset, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”
    • Passion: The brand encourages its team’s deep and sincere dedication. It goes beyond just a surface-level commitment.
    • Diversity: This brand stands out by promoting diversity and inclusivity.
    • Quality: No matter what, Coca-Cola always excels and delivers high standards in everything it offers.

2. Shell Malaysia’s Guiding Principles And Attributes

Brand Value Of Malaysian Shell
    • Honesty: Shell, being Malaysia’s top brand, believes in being open and truthful in all its actions.
    • Integrity: The company stays firmly committed to doing what is right and consistently follows moral principles.
    • Respect for People: The organization actively recognizes and wholeheartedly values each person’s diverse ideas and contributions – even the feedback of its customers.

All in all, Shell Malaysia sticks to essential values that define its brand, help it stay true to its principles, and follow Malaysian laws.

3. Nippon Paint’s Distinguishing Core Brand Values

Nippon Paint, no matter how reputable a Malaysian brand is, always upholds its values. Their team considers corporate values as meaningful as daily life values.

Nippon’s Core Values

Below are Nippon Paint’s company values examples:

Individual Level

    • Integrity: The company builds trust and mutual respect in the workplace. Moreover, it encourages individuals to take responsibility for their actions.
    • Entrepreneurship: Employees are always motivated to explore growth opportunities; they innovate and craft solutions that cater to customer needs.

Team Level

    • Teamwork: Nippon Paint Company believes in working together and sharing knowledge to create value for products and customers.
    • Innovation: The organization nurtures a culture that thrives on innovative thinking.

Organizational Level

    • Partnership: The brand aims to be a collaborative and effective business partner.
    • Value Creation: The company works on its mission to provide the best value to its customers through innovative and sustainable business practices.

4. Facebook’s Core Values That Ensure Connected And Responsible Future

Facebook’s brand core values examples shape its culture and contribute to its unbeatable success. The implementation of these values plus the use of the right digital marketing tool ensures that a company’s every action aligns with its mission, leaving a meaningful mark on the world.

Facebook Brand Values Examples
    • Be Bold: Facebook encourages a culture of boldness, inspiring employees to take risks and think innovatively.
    • Focus On Impact: This social networking site emphasizes meaningful contributions that create a positive societal difference.
    • Move Fast: Facebook values agility and prompt decision-making to stay ahead of the curve in a fast-paced environment.
    • Be Open: Openness is critical here, fostering transparency and collaborative team communication.
    • Build Social Value: Facebook is committed to building social value by using its platform for positive societal impact.

5. McDonald’s Company Values Which Differentiate It From Other Food Brands

McDonalds Company Values
    • Serve: At McDonald’s, serving goes beyond food because the brand prioritizes the satisfaction of guests and employees.
    • Inclusion: McDonald’s mission is to create a welcoming environment where every customer feels appreciated.
    • Integrity: Integrity is fundamental at McDonald’s; the brand guides its team to make decisions and perform all actions with the highest ethical standards.
    • Community: McDonald’s actively contributes to its neighborhoods’ prosperity and plays a constructive role in the community.
    • Family: The brand recognizes the strength of unity, values the concept of family, and puts continuous improvement among its team members.

These values shape McDonald’s identity, positively impacting its internal culture and external relationships with customers and communities.

Why Brand Values Are Important For Your Organization: 6 Significant Reasons

A company without brand values is like a body without blood because these attributes flow from an organization to its employees and customers, building a solid connection with them.

Remember, unique brand values examples and differentiated marketing strategies are the best tools to meet customers’ diverse needs.

Here are the most common reasons for setting brand values:

1: Customer Loyalty

Brand values develop a deep connection between a brand and its customers, leading to customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is your biggest asset because loyal customers stick with the brand, try the brand’s new products or services, and contribute to increased revenue.

2: Brand Authenticity

Adherence to the core brand mission enhances brand authenticity, can build your brand trust, and increases the brand’s sales value. Ultimately, more customers will be attracted to your brand because customers prefer trustworthy brands.

3: Employee Engagement

Brand values are practical for brand sales, develop a stronger sense of purpose, and increase customer connection with the company. This engagement also contributes to higher morale, productivity, and customer retention.

4: Consistent Brand Image

When a company follows its core values, its actions consistently communicate across various touchpoints. In the end, this consistency builds a coherent and recognizable brand image.

5: Competitive Advantage

Brands that respect their core beliefs stand out in a crowded market. Their unique values appeal to customers and build connections beyond products or services.

6: Positive Reputation

If you are running your own organization, you should remember that strong core values mean strong branding. Therefore, brands committed to their core values secure a positive reputation in the market. Their positive perception leads to increased goodwill, positive word-of-mouth, and a favorable image in the eyes of consumers.

In short, core brand values play a role in a holistic and positive brand experience. Moreover, it fosters brand loyalty, brand trust, and a resilient identity that is helpful for both customers and employees. Related: What Is Content Marketing And How Does It Work For You?

How To Discover Your Company’s Core Values: An Ultimate Guide

The brand values examples of every company already exist – all you need to do is identify and describe them before they can be helpful to you and your brand. Whether you have a small business or are running a multinational organization, you shouldn’t delay the process of determining your core brand values. Here’s how you can do that:

Step 1: Brainstorm With Your Team.

If you want to determine your unique brand, ask your staff to write down the top five values that represent your brand. You should ask open-ended questions from your staff: “What do we value most as a company?” “What does our company stand for?” “What is our identity?”

Step 2: Find Out What Customers Value.

The next step is to discuss values with your customers. Ask questions like, “Why would a customer prefer our products or services instead of our competitors?” and “What do you think we have that is unique?” These questions will help to determine the correct values more quickly and smoothly.

Step 3: Draw From Negative Experiences.

Think about a bad experience you had with another brand, especially a competitor. Ask yourself, How did it make me feel? Your past analysis can help you find your brand’s values.

Step 4: Reflect On The Things You’re Already Doing.

Analyze your company’s actions and question yourself why you’re accomplishing them. For example, if you prioritize sending products to customers within 24 hours, it may indicate a value of timeliness.

Pro Tip: Approach these exercises with a clear mind, free of preconceived notions, and set aside time for self-reflection to gain fresh perspective and bring your actual core values into focus.

Step 5: Look To Brands You Love For Inspiration

At this stage, you need to list the brands you love and highlight their unique qualities. Later, find the qualities that resonate with your brand. Now, use them as guideposts for developing your business’s core values.

To identify your unique brand values, consider what makes your brand different. For instance, if social responsibility aligns with your target audience’s interests and reflects your company culture, it could become your brand’s core value.

Brand360 – Your Ultimate Partner in Discovering and Radiating Brand Values

Brand360 is about your organization’s growth and branding. – it is an ideal spot to amplify your brand. Being your all-in-one solution, we use innovative techniques and our lifelong experience to elevate your brand’s online presence, boost revenue, foster brand loyalty, and achieve much more.

Our professionals don’t rely on traditional strategies but tailor the solutions to your brand’s needs. So, if you want to get guidelines about your personal brand values examples or are looking forward to making your business the talk of the town, Brand360 is your on-go partner.

Final Words:

A brand’s core values guide an organization in operating and interacting with the world, including its team, customers, and stakeholders. In case you’re going to establish a brand, you must know core values meaning, and ultimate examples of brand core values to help your company thrive and stand out as a great icon.

You can read this post in detail to navigate the best examples of brand values; however, if you have any queries or need any clarification, feel free to contact Brand360.
